Acupuncture/Chinese Medicine


* Initial Consult (60 Minutes) – $145
* Classic Treatment (45 Minutes) – $110
* Comprehensive Treatment (60 Minutes) – $140 
* Comprehensive 3-Session Package – $375 ($125 each)
* Signature Treatment (75 Minutes) – $185
* Methyl B12 Injection (2mg/dose, preservative free) – $40

What Is Acupunture?

Acupuncture is one of the most widely used medical practices in the world. It is based upon the belief that regulating, circulating, and balancing the energy in the body relieves pain and promotes optimal health and vitality. Acupuncture can be a deeply relaxing experience. The treatment involves gently inserting hair-thin, single-use, sterile needles into specific points around the body. The points are chosen for each individual based on symptoms presented, constitution, and health history. The skillful stimulation of the needles directs and rebalances the energy of the body, thus promoting the desired positive effect. Originating in China over 2,000 years ago, it is a safe and effective medical treatment that promotes natural healing of the body.

Chinese Medicine:

* Acupuncture is the most popular tool of East Asian Medicine Practitioners in the West and is one of the most widely used medicinal practices in the world. Traditional Chinese Medicine utilizes acupuncture based upon the belief that regulating, circulating, and balancing the energy in the body relieves pain and promotes optimal health and vitality.

* At Fahrenheit Body Spas, our acupuncturist, Jaime Levy EAMP, integrates traditional and modern techniques, utilizing acupuncture and massage with the goal of releasing and inactivating trigger points to relieve pain. As well as needling acupuncture points, Jaime may use other Chinese medicine techniques such as:

• Cupping: glass cups with a vacuum seal are placed on the skin to stimulate blood flow and clear stagnant energy

• Moxibustion: heat is applied to an acupuncture point or meridian using moxa (a therapeutic herb) and/or heat lamps to warm and relax muscles and promote circulation and energy flow throughout the body. Moxa has a modulating effect on the cellular level.

• Tuina (Tway-nah): Chinese therapeutic massage focused to relieve muscle tension, stimulate acupressure points, open energy meridians and stimulate the flow of energy.

• Gua sha (Gwa-shaw): vigorous rubbing of the skin increases blood flow and clears stagnation.

• Chinese Herbal Medicine: Chinese herbal medicine uses a variety of herbs such as: astragalus, ginkgo, ginseng, green tea, and eleuthero (also known as “Siberian ginseng”) in different combinations to restore balance to the body. Herbal blends are said to prevent and treat hormone disturbances, infections, breathing disorders, and a vast number of other ailments and diseases.

*After-effects: Most people find acupuncture relaxing and often feel very calm after a treatment. We may even call this “universal bliss.” You may feel a little tired or sleepy or you may feel energized. Each treatment is unique and tailored to the patient’s needs. Acupuncture has very few side effects and any that do occur are usually mild and self-correcting. Cupping and gua sha can sometimes temporarily mark the skin. Such bruising is painless and generally clears within a few days.

Health Benefits:

The World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture as a safe and effective treatment for the following conditions:

Cardiovascular Conditions
• Essential hypertension

Conditions of the Eye, Ear, Nose & Mouth
• Acute conjunctivitis
• Central retinitis
• Myopia (in children)
• Cataract (without complications)
• Toothaches, post extraction pain
• Gingivitis
• Acute and chronic pharyngitis

Gynecological Conditions
• Infertility
• Dysmenorrhea
• Menopause syndrome
• Benign irregular menstruation
• Benign amenorrhea

Psychological Conditions
• Depression
• Anxiety
• Somatization disorder
• Hypersomnia
• Insomnia Gastrointestinal Conditions
• Spasms of esophagus and cardiac
• Irritable bowel and colitis
• Gastroptosis
• Acute and chronic gastritis
• Gastric hyperacidity (i.e. acid reflux)
• Chronic duodenal ulcer (pain relief)
• Acute duodenal ulcer (without complication)
• Acute and chronic colitis
• Constipation
• Diarrhea
• Acute bacillary dysentery
• Paralytic ileus

Musculoskeletal Conditions
• Muscle pain, swelling, stiffness and weakness
• Localized traumatic injuries, sprains, strains, tendinitis, contractures
• Arthritis
• Fibromyalgia
• Work and sports related injuries
• Low back and/or neck strain
• Osteoarthritis
• “Frozen shoulder”, “tennis elbow”
• Sciatica

Neurological Conditions
• Headache and migraine
• Trigeminal neuralgia
• Facial palsy (early stage, within 3-6 months)
• Paresis following stroke
• Peripheral neuropathies
• Meniere’s Disease
• Nocturnal enuresis
• Cervicobrachial syndrome
• Neurogenic bladder dysfunction
• Intercostal neuralgia
• Disc problems

Respiratory System Conditions
• Acute sinusitis
• Acute rhinitis
• Common cold and allergies
• Acute tonsillitis
• Acute bronchitis
• Bronchial asthma

Other Conditions
• Withdrawal from street and pharmacological drugs
• Appetite suppression

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What should I expect from an acupuncture treatment?
Most appointments are scheduled for 50 minutes. During your first visit we will likely spend 60 minutes together in order to identify a treatment plan for you. Depending on your needs, this hour often includes a consultation, evaluation, cupping and/or some form of manual therapy such as massage or gua sha (which is deep friction or scraping along superficial layers of the skin) and an acupuncture treatment.

Q: What does the consultation entail?
In a consultation Jaime will review your medical history and assess your current condition. There is often an exam or evaluation of your chief complaint(s). There are often fundamental diagnostic interview questions that may seem unrelated to your condition. Such questions commonly include bowel and urine habits, menstrual cycle, eating and sleeping quality, and emotional situation. Contrary to Allopathic Medicine, Chinese medicine is a holistic healing system. In order to best understand your condition, it is important to hear your whole story.

Q: What does acupuncture feel like? 

Acupuncture uses sterile, single-use, disposable needles that are as thin as a single strand of hair. People are unique and experience acupuncture differently. Most find acupuncture deeply relaxing after the needles have been inserted. If there is any pain sensation it may be described as deep, achy or distended pressure locally. You may experience a referred sensation to other parts of the body. Also, needles are placed in strategic places along the body that are connected to your condition. It is often the case that these points will be more sensitive and react more strongly to needle stimulation.